About Us

About Us




Founded in 2003, Curve Unit has a rich 19 year history building a strong community of women motorcycle riders. We have a culture rooted in sport bikes, riding the “twisties” on the street, and track riding / racing, but welcome women on ALL types of bikes. We provide a safe, welcoming space to support new women riders during their learning process by hosting parking lot sessions and private rides. We also introduce women interested in track to the sport, making it more accessible and less intimidating.

Curve Unit hosts monthly group rides throughout Northern California on the 2nd Sunday of each month. While most rides are Open (open to all genders), we also host special rides such as Women Only (just the ladies), Sadie Hawkins (by CU invite only), and Closed (CU only).

As a proud 501(c)(3), we host and participate in fundraising events, with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation as our primary charity. We believe in giving back to our community and demonstrate it through the thousands of dollars raised over the last two decades.

Curve Unit welcomes all who identify as women to join us!



Thinking of joining the ladies of Curve Unit? The best way to get started is to join us on our next ride and stay for the meeting afterwards to learn what we’re all about! Other ways to engage is to get to know our members and prospects, be present on our social media pages, and share our same excitement for riding and sisterhood. And, of course, let us know you’re interested in joining! 

The process of joining Curve Unit and getting patched in occurs in 3 stages: Hang Around (minimum of 4 months to learn about the club and express interest in joining), Prospect (minimum of 8 months to get to know each other and demonstrate commitment), and finally Member (fully patched in). Other requirements include attending monthly rides and paying nominal monthly dues.

For any other questions related to joining our group, please email us at info@curveunit.com.


Tara Deffley


Angela Loudermilk

Vice President

Rachelle Raulston

Road Captain

Diana Thiesen


Jackie Bischof

Heavenly Sister

Amy Snyder

Contributing Member

Vanessa Lopez

Contributing Member

Ashara Matthews

Contributing Member

Celeste Barajas

Contributing Member

Megan Dalton

Contributing Member

Andi Winchell

Contributing Member

Sabrina Fletcher


Tina Christopher


Jennifer Lovaas
